As for recent jaunts in Scotland, I've been up to my old tricks. Last week, I grabbed Alyssa (my flatmate) and Marianthi (program friend) to go for a hike in the Pentlands. The Pentlands are a national park right on the outskirts of Edinburgh that have woodlands, moors, hills, reservoirs, etc. And we experienced all most all of those on our walk! Unfortunately, the weather wasn't as glorious as we would've hoped, but, we try not to complain when surrounded by the beautiful and wild Scottish landscape, lest it hear and try to kill us! Along the way, we also ran into the cutest dog in the whole world, which we most definitely tried to nab and the owner was terrified of us and the allure we obviously held for the puppy.

Just yesterday almost my whole flat came for an awesome outing to Craigmillar Castle! Now, what I liked about this place is that there wasn't a lot of fuss about it. Unlike the Edinburgh Castle in the middle of the city, there aren't guided tours or a ton of people. Instead, it's more remote and less regulated. So we paid 5 pounds to get in and our group just walked around this labyrinth of an old castle. The place had been magnificently preserved and we were able to walk up old spiral staircases, hang around in massive fireplaces, survey the land from our turrets, and call our servants to have the horses saddled and waiting in the exterior courtyard! (Okay, maybe not that last one, but it was easy to get carried away there.)

Also, teaser trailer for next week: I've booked a day trip to Oban for February 7th. Oban is on the western coast of Scotland and I'll be traveling through the highlands again to get there, so prepare for some truly stunning photos, weather permitting!
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